Our Work

MassEquality is the leading statewide grassroots advocacy organization working to ensure that everyone across Massachusetts can thrive from cradle to grave without discrimination and oppression based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. We do this by partnering across issues, identities, and communities to build a broad, inclusive movement that changes hearts and minds.

MassEquality has extensive experience in community organizing, delivery of education and outreach programming and connecting members of the community to the resources that they need.

We have also used education and outreach campaigns to help secure an extensive anti-bullying campaign in schools and helped establish the first in the nation LGBTQ Youth Commission. We continue to support LGBTQ young people by educating the public about the need for LGBTQ affirming books and policies in public schools; by pressing for a ban on conversion therapy for minors; by expanding youth access to confidential medical care; and by educating about the need for steady support for organizations that serve LGBTQ youth such as BAGLY. We also serve as members of the Special Commission on LGBTQ Aging Commission and recently used our education campaigns to secure a first-in-the-nation LGBTQ elder cultural competency training bill for all elder care providers.

Our work expands far beyond youth issues, with our work on programs to expand understanding of our communities to advance better outcomes and access in housing, healthcare and eldercare.  Our work both raises visibility for our broader community and our issues and connects individuals in our communities with the resources available to them.

With over two decades of experience, MassEquallity has grown into one of the most well-respected social justice organizations in the Commonwealth