About MassEquality
MassEquality is the leading statewide grassroots advocacy organization working to ensure that everyone across Massachusetts can thrive from cradle to grave without discrimination and oppression based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. Learn about our current team on this page - or click here to read more about our history of accomplishments. You can also click here to learn about our current work and policy agenda.
Meet the Team

Tanya Neslusan
Executive Director

Holly Ryan
Legislative and Electoral Manager
MassEquality.org Board of Directors

Rob Henry

Jordan Evans

Mark Martinez

Stan Zanarotti

Jessica Morris

Katherine Moskop
MassEquality Education Fund Board of Directors

Kevin White

Tanisha Arena

Reina Ysaguirre-Boersma

Stan Zanarotti

Eric Chassey

Jay Manuel Rivera

Rob Henry
Join us as we embark upon our latest chapter.
As MassEquality launches a new initiative aimed at addressing needs of LGBTQ communities outside the immediate Boston area, we are recruiting passionate board members to help us realize this transition.
Please consider joining us as we seek to make the dream of LGBTQ equality a reality, not just in Boston, but also in Western Mass, on the South Shore, the Cape and Islands, and every region in between.